Marketing | 7 min read

How to Get Ideas for a Video Script

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So, here you are, interested in video marketing and implementing great content ideas in your strategy. You have decided a video is the vessel to get your message to a wider audience. Lights, camera, now what? What are you going to say? Maybe you were so excited to start shooting a video that you forgot the crucial step of writing a script. Or the task may seem so daunting that you keep procrastinating. 

"Hey, whoa, I'm no writer and I have never written a script before," you say?

Don't worry, this blog will guide you through brainstorming tactics and all of the details you need to get a jump on writing your script and kick writer's block to the curb. Don't waste your resources producing a boring video with no story or differentiators. Read this blog so you can put in the effort to make something awesome. 

Brainstorm like a Boss

If this is your first video ever, you may be scratching your head wondering where all of the inspiration is hidden in your brain. Hopefully, your team can collaborate well because one of the most useful techniques for brainstorming is to get all of your co-workers together and talk openly about ideas. Encourage free thinking and participation without any judgment to get unique results from a group brainstorming session. Make sure someone is writing everything down because ideas can disappear in a heartbeat.

If your group is hesitant to get started, play some word games to unleash their creativity. Tell them you're going to create a story, and while going around in a circle each of them gets to contribute only one word. For example, you may start the game by saying, "Once," and the next person might say, "upon," taking your cue, or they may go in an entirely different direction. You can keep going around the room until the story comes to a natural end, or until you're all laughing so hard your stomachs hurt. Using this game to tell a brand story can also help form solid ideas for a script.

After you have some insights from your organization, try free writing. This exercise is very common and is similar to journaling. Simply grab a notebook and pencil and make yourself write for a set amount of time every day. Don't focus on perfect grammar and using coherent thoughts while you're writing or you will inhibit your creativity. Let your mind wander and explore all of the thoughts in your head on that given day. Sitting down and making time to free write can help you come up with excellent ideas for not only scripts but also blogs, eBooks, podcasts, webinars, etc.

Listing is another common exercise to help you flesh out ideas and themes about your project that don't pop into your head immediately. Think of categories that pertain to your video project or brand such as "Story" or "Scene" and begin listing everything that comes to your mind in each category. You can also do this exercise with your business by using categories like "Values" and "Products." There is no wrong answer, try to scribble ideas down freely without censoring your thoughts for listing to be the most effective.

Choose the "Write" Time

If you're struggling to write a script, try breaking out of the mold and your typical routine. You may despise getting up in the morning but did you know that creativity is at it's highest during and immediately after sleeping? That's why many authors and artists are known to keep a memo pad by their nightstands to record their best thoughts right after they wake up. Try writing in the morning to capture your most creative ideas. A real incentive for writing bright and early is no coffee until after you have notes jotted down! 

Now that you have begrudgingly agreed to get up and write in the morning, just remember: don't try to edit your content then. Science has proven that the analytical parts of our mind wake up and become more active as the day goes on, which means proofing should be done later on the day. While there are scientific theories to back all of this up, everyone is different. If you absolutely can't function in the morning, try writing at various times throughout the day and see what works best for you, whether it's early morning or late before bed. Shake up your routine and find your most creative hours to write. 

Do Your Research

Most importantly, when you're feeling stuck in script writing, try researching videos you enjoy. Get on Google, YouTube, or Wistia and learn from what other companies are doing. While you're watching, think about what themes and choices you can apply to your business video. Do you want to emulate the same overall feeling, tone, pace, storyline, actor facial expressions, lighting, etc.? Don't be stingy, write down everything you're thinking to gain a better understanding of what you like and dislike in videos for marketing. 

If you're having trouble finding videos you enjoy, or just want more feedback, consider making this a group activity. Ask the office to send you a video they like or dislike. Get together and watch the videos while you discuss what works and what you want to avoid in your video. Having video examples at hand and solid explanations of what you want and don't want can help your film team achieve your vision. If you need more video inspiration, check out ManoByte's client portfolio to see videos that follow inbound best practices. 

Get Specific

Now that you have taken the time to brainstorm and research you're ready to start making some decisions about your video. You know what you want to say so it's time to decide on your goal and format. What do you want the viewer to take away from watching? Do you want to increase brand awareness, educate about your services, or introduce a new product? Pinpoint a goal and decide what related metrics you're going to use to determine your video marketing success. Think about the style of the video as well. There are many different ways to present your goal in a script, such as writing a straightforward informational video, Q&A, animation, or interview. Try experimenting with writing the script with your desired purpose in various formats to create new and unexpected ideas.

No matter what your title, profession, or skill level, anyone can write a script. The key to getting good material is not to be self-conscious about your thoughts and to allow yourself to go out on a limb and take chances. Creativity is not reserved for only certain people; even the most analytical individuals can and should participate in the script writing process. Now, grab your pen and paper and get going!  

Need more help with videos and scripts? Let the expert team at ManoByte take the reigns. We can help inform you on best practices to tell a compelling story and film your video in a short afternoon! Find out more about our exclusive video workshop, but hurry space is limited.