Marketing, Technology | 3 min read

16 Rules of B2B Social Media Optimization

Posted By
Kevin Dean


The term was coined by Rohit Bhargava and he initially created 5 rules. Others have added rules and to date there are 16 rules in total.

Social media Optimization Strategies:

  1. Increase your linkability
  2. Make tagging and bookmarking easy
  3. Reward inbound links
  4. Help your content travel
  5. Encourage the mashups
  6. Be a user resource
  7. Reward helpful and valuable users
  8. Participate
  9. Know how to target your audience
  10. Create content
  11. Be real
  12. Don't forget your roots, be humble
  13. Don't be afraid to try new things, stay fresh
  14. Develop a SMO strategy
  15. Choose your SMO tactics wisely
  16. Make SMO part of your process

How to Optimize Your Social Media Strategy

Always be looking for ways to pull others into your social media strategy and engage in dialogue, not just monologue.

  • Tag thought leaders and colleagues and ask for their insights on your latest piece
  • Share the content though leaders are talking about with a few thoughts of your own
  • Research for solid hashtags if you are posting on Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Houzz, and similar platforms that allow for content discovery via hashtags
  • Be benevolent, not sales-y by minimizing product and offerings pitches while educating on your audience's needs and pain points instead.
  • Develop a social media posting plan.
  • Save time and increase post cohesion when you schedule posts in large batches rather than posting one-off when you think to.
  • Leverage social media to drive website traffic and MQL conversions.

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How to Optimize Your Social Media Profile

  • Use a high quality logo image for the company profile
  • Keep everything about your social media profile customer-centric. This is still an opportunity to craft messaging that speaks to the heart of your audience, rather than tickling your own brand's ear.
  • Upload a relevant banner image to speaks to your audience's challenges, pain points, and perspective.
  • Pack value into the first 140 characters of your bio and descriptions, as this is what will display in search engine results.
  • Pin important resources, events, videos, and other posts to the top of your page so new visitors can easily convert on your best pieces of content.

Social Media Optimization Experts for Channel Marketing

After staring at your own brand's social media profiles for years, it can be tough to spot where there is room for improvement. Likewise, any channel partners you work with and others in your distribution network may have their own blind spots that are hindering indirect sales growth. Sometimes all you need is some fresh social media post inspiration:

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