Marketing Hub | 2 min read

Campaign Management

Posted By
Rachel Kern

Strategic Planning

Ongoing campaign management requires strategic planning to keep the leads coming. Our strategists will work to create campaigns that target different personas to provide personalized attention to your ideal client’s unique problems while still bringing in your entire audience.

Digital Campaigns

In the age of social media, digital campaigns have the ability to be fun, creative, and interactive. From using simple, in-feed advertisements to fully immersive experiences and microsites, digital campaigns are powerful lead generation machines with the ability to educate users on a relevant topic and establish trust as a thought leader. ManoByte will help you design and implement the right digital campaign for your audience and industry to reign in those social leads.

Lead Generation

The goal of inbound marketing is to drive up lead generation, and ManoByte will help you build lead generating workflows to keep them rolling in. Our team will create click-worthy calls-to-action and landing pages optimized for success to lead your prospects through their buying journey with your organization.

Content Development

Successful inbound strategies have helpful, relevant content distributed at the right time to have the biggest impact on your leads. ManoByte will help you develop that content for your ongoing inbound initiatives to continue to grow your business as a thought leader in your industry and build trust with your leads and customers.

Graphic Design

ManoByte’s graphic design team will provide the visual creative that accompanies all your inbound efforts. Our designers are skilled artists and strategists, so your graphic needs will look good and align well with your brand.


Search engine optimization and pay-per-click advertising can be tricky to navigate, especially as search engines move toward optimizing for voice search and gain a better understanding of semantics. ManoByte’s ongoing SEO and PPC management will work to adapt to changes in ranking that’ll keep your content in front of your ideal customers and ensure your PPC dollars are well spent.