
Website Redesign with Thompson Remodeling

Thompson Remodelling-Hero-Circle

Their Challenge


Thompson Remodeling has been a ManoByte client since 2011. In fact, we designed the site you see above back in 2013. And while the design worked for their needs at that time, last year it became evident that it was time to step their inbound efforts up a notch with a complete HubSpot website redesign. Previously, their website was managed through a WordPress and HubSpot integration, where HubSpot was only leveraged in some areas of the site, such as their blog and resource pages. The Thompson team was finding that many of their customers wanted more information from them much earlier in the buying process; so while the site looked great, it simply wasn't doing enough to provide custom, personalized content to their site visitors to move them further down and through the funnel. For a small business like Thompson Remodeling, every sales opportunity is critical to their growth goals and future business projections, so they simply couldn't continue to operate under the WordPress/HubSpot integration system any longer.

The Solution


The ManoByte design team has a comprehensive process when it comes to website redesign projects like Thompson Remodeling. We began with a thorough Strategy and Discovery process, where we identified the needs, current challenges, and the primary goals of the new Thompson Remodeling website. We also conducted persona research to identify who the website's intended audience would be, then crafted content for the site based on those target personas. Then, the design and development team put together completely custom wireframes of the new site. When all that was completed, and the client approved our vision, we built the site, tested it, and went live!

For Thompson, some of the notable design elements are the way each content module appears on the page as you scroll, drawing attention to the most important areas and leading the visitor to the next logical spot. The scrolling homepage images also showcase featured remodeling projects in a powerful, but not overbearing way.

Here are some screenshots of the new gallery: (But again, it's better when you see it live!)

The Results


The site launched just four months ago, and the results of the new design have been tremendous. Traffic has nearly doubled over the same time range from last year, and the new gated gallery pages are by far the highest converting areas of the site with an average conversion rate of 26%! (Industry standard for home and garden businesses is about 12.5%)

Furthermore, new contacts and conversions mean nothing for Thompson Remodeling if they don't translate into actual paying customers. The conversion rate to customers from the gallery pages is also showing great results, producing 29 new customers from the gallery changes alone in just four months.

Read the full post here

Learn About Our CMS Hub Services

ManoByte can help you redesign your website by leveraging the HubSpot CMS.


Everybody loves it

Services provided: Marketing & Sales Onboarding

   The feedback that we are getting on the site is that everybody loves it. Now the surprising thing to me is that everybody goes to it.  

- Ben Thompson | President of Thompson Remodeling